Conférences PMI Montréal
1 pdus

Why Project Managers need to care more about social media (Hint: it involves changing the world…)


4 décembre 2013

07H00 - 09H00

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1 pdus


Club Saint-James

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Elisabeth Bucci, Project Manager, Projissima inc.

Description : Web 2.0 technologies are changing entire industries: journalism, music, publishing and television. Yet, our profession remains woefully “stuck in the 80s” when it comes to these various platforms. Due to our lack of leadership in adopting these technologies, we risk becoming irrelevant. Or worse yet: old.

There are many reasons why project managers should be leading the charge in adopting these technologies, chief among them are to facilitate collaboration and to improve communication.

However, there is actually a more compelling reason why we should be at the forefront of the “social entreprise” or Entreprise 2.0: no other profession is better poised to lead the way into the third industrial revolution. That’s right: we can change the world.

This presentation aims to build a convincing case for why Project Managers should be more social media savvy and will propose an action plan on how to do just that.

     Conférencière: Elisabeth Bucci has over 26 years of experience managing technically complex projects across many industries, most recently in IT.

Elisabeth coordinated PMI Montreal’s Mentoring program in 2009-2010 and is currently active in the program as a mentor.

She copes with working in hierarchical Entreprise 1.0 companies by blogging at and easily dismisses accusations that she spends too much time on the internet by claiming that she is “changing the world”.

7h30-8h00 : accueil et buffet déjeuner

8h00-9h00 : conférence

Aucune annulation ni remboursement 5 jours ouvrables avant l'événement.