PMP Generation - Nicolas Chabot, Eng., MPM, PMP, Project Management Professional at CIMA+
ByPMI-Montréal , 2019-01-15, 9:00
Working as a project management professional in the industrial sector where expectations and constraints are high, Nicolas distinguishes himself by his rigorous monitoring of costs and deadlines, the precision of his monthly reports, and his explanations of issues, risk management and contract administration.
Always involved in the community, Nicolas accumulated several key positions in student organizations during the course of his studies, and he regularly attends and volunteers at PMI-Montréal events.
As a project management professional, what keeps you awake at night?
The feeling of a botched job. For example, when a schedule or a budget doesn’t match up with reality. That sort of thing risks the sustainability of a project financed by shareholders. It is imperative that shareholders are regularly updated on the project’s progress and given accurate and current data, so that they can make informed decisions.
What led you to pursue a career in project management?
During my engineering studies, I often ended up being the rallying point for a team. I’m passionate about civil engineering—just think of the huge hydroelectric dams, the new Champlain Bridge, and all the major infrastructure projects that are currently underway! I never really saw myself drawing up the plans, but rather coordinating the different contributors to ensure project success. During my studies, I could never figure out what area of civil engineering I wanted to focus on. In project management, every project is completely different, which allows me to diversify my work experiences and satisfy my intellectual curiosity.
What project would you like to bring to the attention of the industry (a small community project, a big project that hasn’t garnered media attention, etc.)?
The engineering consulting and construction fields have really suffered in the last few years. Media attention is too often focused on projects that make for bad press. I think that we should focus more on all of the construction industry’s beautiful achievements that make Montréal shine. Too often, all we hear is criticism of the industry. I’d like to hear more positive discussions about the flagship projects that are giving Montréal a new image. The city is transforming, project by project, and I think that more visibility for these projects could showcase the best of a profession whose reputation has been sullied over the last few years.
Do you have any personal remarks you’d like to share with the industry (observations, advice, an appeal, a recommendation, etc.)?
Sharing experience is key to the success of a company or a business. Young people are overflowing with new ideas and energy. Working at the project level, I see how useful their project post-mortems are, but they are often neglected. These post-mortems are essential in order to transmit the experience acquired during a project, improve team efficiency and avoid repeating the same mistakes. Of course, they should be consulted when beginning a new project!
Why did you become a member of PMI-Montréal / Why renew your membership? / Why do you invest TIME in PMI-Montréal?
For me, PMI-Montréal is a wonderful and large community where we can connect with our colleagues at different events. During my master’s, we were given the chance to participate in these events, and the relationships we established then are still solid today.
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