Information Technology (IT) Project Management Survey
ByMohammad Moeini, 2014-05-01, 13:06
Information Technology (IT) Project Management Survey
Dear PMI Members
We would like to invite you to participate in a doctoral study on information technology (IT) project management conducted at HEC Montreal, under supervision of Professor Suzanne Rivard in the Chair in Strategic Management of Information Technology. This questionnaire focuses on what managers think about performing certain project management activities in IT projects.
We are looking for managers who are currently managing an IT project.
If you are willing to participate, please click on the link below to access the survey. Participation will require approximately 15 minutes of your time. In return, we offer you a personalized feedback on certain dimensions of your IT project management profile at the end of the questionnaire.
Deadline for answering the questionnaire is May 31, 2014. Participation is voluntarily. Responses will be confidential. The questionnaire is anonymous, so no names will be captured. Results will be reported in aggregate.
Thank you very much for your time and consideration of this study. If you have any questions or concerns please contact me at
Best regards,
Mohammad Moeini
Mohammad Moeini
Lecturer, Ph.D. Candidate, MBA
Department of Information Technologies
HEC Montreal
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
Tel: (514)-340-6000 Ext. 2750