A word from the President

For a better management of projects in the government

ByKateri Normandeau,

1 minute

Dear members and friends of PMI-Montréal,


2022 was an important year for public affairs at PMI-Montréal, as we made the decision to implement a real action plan for government relations with the help of the TACT firm.


Throughout the year, we pursued a clear objective: to improve the government’s culture of project management and budgetary efficiency, as there are considerable differences in this area across the various ministries.


Through our strategic priorities, we seized several opportunities to promote our views in the media, namely with two open letters published in La Presse and the Cn2i dailies (Le Soleil, Le Droit, La Voix de l'Est, Le Nouvelliste, and La Tribune). The first focused on the budget, as we participated in the Quebec government's pre-budget consultations, while the second allowed us to position ourselves during the elections, in relation to the financial frameworks of the political parties.


In addition to our media approaches, we have been actively meeting with various people from the public service, including many assistant deputy ministers from the Ministries of Family, Education, Health and Social Services, and the Treasury Board. Finally, we also met with the directors of the CISSS and CIUSSS as well as three cities, which helped to increase the number of participants at our municipal table.


For 2023, PMI-Montréal's work continues with a refocused approach on certain large ministries, in particular the newly created Ministry of Infrastructure, as well as the Ministry of Cybersecurity and Digital Technology. Work is also underway to participate for a second time in the pre-budget consultations. Stay tuned for further communications on this topic.


As always, we count on the support of our members and thank you all for being wonderful project management ambassadors. Do not hesitate to share our initiatives: together, we are working to promote YOUR skills to implement successful projects for the Quebec of tomorrow.


Kateri Normandeau

President of the Board of Directors


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