Flexibility, Creativity and Change in Project Management
ByHenri-Jean Bonnis and Aliki Courmanopoulos, 2018-11-14, 9:00
It is a common recounting of how people became Project Managers that they started off somewhere completely different. Whether it’s with degrees in engineering, law, or sociology, the tools required to be successful at many of these roles often lead to project management.
We often wonder where we would be had we only known earlier. Degrees and diplomas in Project management are becoming increasingly commonplace, allowing students to actively make this choice.
Industry flexibility
It was while discussing with members about their desire for a career change that we realized how transversal project management expertise could be. A member was working in construction but wanted to move to IT and wasn’t getting any responses. It was suggested to reorient her cv to focus on her project management experience and downplay the construction role. Six months later she found a position in the IT projects department of a major financial institution. This story is not unique.
It is one of the only occupations that allows us to implement software after working in the construction industry and, then, to look for new challenges in digital marketing (just to name a few of my experiences in the last three years). No matter what field I have worked in the last five to ten years, the essence of project management will always be there: push the limits and always learn a little about everything around you, in order to deliver real value to all those who surround. - Vinicius Araujo, PMI-Montréal 2017 Volunteer of the Year, Project Coordinator, Adviso
Create change, create value
The ability to change, and create change, is at the core of the value proposition of a Project Manager’s skills. Change management is a huge part of the project life cycle. Managing the transition from the old to the new is a challenge at all levels. Knowing how to plan for change and how to manage resistance allows Project Managers to bridge the gap. Project Managers are now managers of change.
Some tools for managing change
- Readiness Assessment
- Stakeholder engagement strategy
- Communication Planning
- Training Development and Delivery
- Resistance Management
- Coaching… and more!
Projects are not successful because someone has memorized the order of the processes, but through successful communication between project managers, the project team and stakeholders, applying best practices according to the project’s unique needs. The PMBOK, Prince 2, Agile, Scrum Master, etc … do not exist in vacuums, they are tools that can be mixed together for project and organisational success. The PMBOK is a compendium, not a recipe. The art of being a Project Manager is knowing how to experiment and extract the maximum from the techniques and the team you need. Project management requires creativity to manage change and drive business results.
The Art of Project Management
Project management is more art than science. It is the expertise of a project manager to determine what tools and techniques they need to succeed and be able to make experienced choices. Not all projects call for the application of every process. The Elixir Palmares award highlights this, by rewarding excellence in one area of project management : integration, cost management, stakeholder management, etc.
Register now for the Gala elixir evening on December 3rd and meet some of the best in Project Management.
Reduced priced tickets available until November 16th!
Be a part of the project management evolution.
About Aliki en route
Around the globe, everyday, project managers are making the world a better place by bringing complex projects to life. These individuals use their skills to promote change and improve the lives of countless people. I am backpacking around the world, exploring projects and people, whose passion for these methodologies is creating change through innovation. If you've ever wondered what Project Management is really about, or considered how your skills as a project manager could be used to make a difference, follow me on my trip around the world. www.alikienroute.com