Guide for New Members
A Word From the President
It is with great pride that I present the updated version of our Guide for New Members. This guide has been created specifically for members and newcomers looking to find work as or become project management professionals in Quebec.
This guide is the product of the great work of our volunteers since 2013. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them all for the great work that they have undertaken to help all of our newcomers.
As you know, we have a social responsibility to integrate newcomers in our community and in Quebec. In a global environment that is becoming more and more protectionist, this sort of initiative becomes even more important. PMI-Montréal is convinced that having newcomers integrated into the job market enriches our society and the companies that hire them.
The French culture is a strategic advantage for us. It is a strength and an asset for Quebec. Be a proud example and help our society respond to the workforce challenges of today and tomorrow.
Welcome to our large community of project management professionals.
I look forward to meeting you!
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A Word From the Organizing Committee
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Project Management in Quebec