A Word From the Organizing Committee

This second edition of the Guide for New Members includes a number of changes: this unparalleled information source now includes video clips as well as information about the services offered by PMI-Montréal, the job market, the job search, project management careers in Quebec, and more. All of this is presented in a brand new area of our web site making navigation easier than before. 

I am very proud of the result of this magnificent project that targets all new members of PMI-Montréal as well as newly arrived immigrants to Quebec. This Guide has been developed from start to finish by a remarkable team of passionate volunteers from 13 different countries.

All the interviews and the content presented contain a very strong regional flavour, which makes it extremely useful for the realities of living in Quebec. Go ahead and explore the different sections which will certainly help equip and prepare you for a successful career in project management in Quebec!

Alcides Santopietro, PMI-Montréal Administrator and Project Sponsor


PMI-Montréal is proud to recognize the efforts of the team of volunteers responsible for the success of this project.


Thank you to the Organizing Committee: Alcides Santopietro, Vinicius Araujo, Adriana Tordai, Ali Saffarpour, David Altmann, Joseph Jabbour, Luis Alejandro Gonzalez, Pablo Aceiton and Yousra Abdelhady, for the countless hours that they committed to planning, executing and coordinating this interesting and relevant Guide for PMI-Montréal and to all the volunteers who contributed to this project: Alexandre Begbie, Alexandrine Lecompte, Andréa da Silva, Awa Koita, Carolyn Gallant, Cleber Amaral, Émilie Pacciarella, Erika Santana, François Bourdua, Gilles Gagnon, Hassina Bounif, Haytham Khawam, Imane Btiti, Justine Voyer, Kalifa Barro, Manuela Soares, Marcia da Silva Santos, Marco Desire, Margarita Caycedo, Mathilde Senaud, Monica Lee, Parfait Simo, Pauline Nghiem, Sylvie Leduc, Tamara Karapetyan, Tanya Johnson, Thiago Ramos and Urszula Adamczewski. You are at the heart of PMI-Montréal!

Please note that to keep the content brief, the masculine gender is used throughout the text without discrimination. Please also note that this guide and its content are provided and distributed for informational purposes only. In fact, it offers no guarantee or assurance with respects to the steps to take in a job search nor to the success in securing employment or the results of featured searches.

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A Word From the President

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PMI-Montréal and Project Management in Quebec

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Project Management in Quebec