Power Skills
1.5 pdus

CdP Gestion du changement - Crossing the Neutral Zone (and Leaving No One Behind)

ParJames Beatty Hunter


90 jours

Prix membre


Prix non-membre



In periods of stability, when the status quo satisfies all needs (organizational as well as personal/individual), then “influence” can be established on known foundations.  This includes compensation, bonuses, recognition, perquisites, advancement.  In periods of change, when the status quo is forsaken in favor of survival and progress, “influence” is founded on those elements of organizational life not covered by those known foundations – it is, instead, founded on the humane act of helping individuals cope with change, get good work done towards change, and navigate transition.  This requires a rational consideration of the irrational.  As part of our exploration, we will consider the variables that affect performance, and how our multilayered consideration of organizational change requires a rational analysis of the irrational emotions in the “neutral zone”.
